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I have worked in health care information management for more than 13 years. I have been a patient of many physicians for much longer. I have found most physicians to be devoted and conscientious but captive to systems and processes that they often don't even think about. We could all benefit from better communication. I'm on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/mpmeier)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Jon Stewart Don't Know Squat About Data

This past Wednesday (Mar 27, 2013), the Daily Show included a segment on the backlogs within the VA and found the cause to be
  • The reliance on paper to transfer medical records between the DoD and the VA
So far, so good. Good investigative reporting. If they had only left it at that and allowed viewers to form their own conclusions...

Instead, John Stewart made a joke about validating his preconceived ideas concerning Republican responsibility. He played a clip of a Republican member of the Defense Appropriations committe comparing AHLTA (the DoD healthcare information system) and VistA (the VA's Healthcare Information umbrella) to Play Station and X-Box which, though both can use the same TV, cannot talk to one another. AND THEN Mr.Stewart suggested that the parent of the household, if he/she wanted to minimize contention and confusion, could impose a single solution on the household. A photo of President Obama was displayed during this, clearly indicating that all the blame could be laid at the President's feet.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The VA has been assembling the components of VistA since 1987 and it was fully formed by the late 1990s. AHLTA was introduced amidst much fanfare at the beginning of 2004. The birthing process for AHLTA overlapped the adolescence and maturation of VistA, indicating a conscious decision (pre-2004) by the DoD to ignore the VA's efforts.

This entire mess is too complex in its origins and effects to discuss in a single blog entry so I'll content myself with one last piece of exculpatory evidence on behalf of anyone who has assumed elected office since 2004. The only way to move information from AHLTA to VistA is
  1. Generate paper from AHLTA
  2. Send the paper to the VA
  3. Enter the information from the paper into VistA
This is also the reason why the DoD can't simply replace AHLTA with VistA.

There is a lot more to be said on this subject but, among other things, it seems clear that this is but one (albeit very painful) example of the inability of our health care "system" to adopt anything approaching a standardized view of the enterprise. Interoperability is something to be wished for but which cannot exist in an environment in which healthcare systems vendors are the X-Box, the Play Station, and Wii.

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