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I have worked in health care information management for more than 13 years. I have been a patient of many physicians for much longer. I have found most physicians to be devoted and conscientious but captive to systems and processes that they often don't even think about. We could all benefit from better communication. I'm on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/mpmeier)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Whose Candidate?

The Ames Straw Poll, conducted last week produced a surprising result for many (including me). Since I lived in Minnesota for nearly twenty years, I am familiar with two of the candidates. I have never voted for either of them and have often wondered who did and what their motivations were.

As it happened, one of the candidates (Gov. Tim Pawlenty) made such a poor showing that he withdrew his candidacy immediately after the count was announced. The other, Rep. Michele Bachmann, emerged with the most votes and was immediately included (by various of the talking heads--mostly from FOX) in the "top tier" of candidates.

Yesterday, it was reported that the long lines waiting to get into the Bachmann tent prior to the vote were caused in part by the fact that her campaign had purchased 6000 ballots @ $30 ea and was handing them out.

From this several lessons can be learned:
1. The Ames Straw Poll is, in fact, a fundraiser.
2. The results should be treated much the same as the "best homeroom" contest at the local school. The only part the Iowa GOP missed was the opportunity to cast negative votes. They'll probably include that option next time.
3. I'm sure Tim Pawlenty is kicking himself for allowing Bachmann to jump past him in this way.
4. Someone on the Bachmann campaign is capable of thinking outside the box.
5. Politicians and their campaign staffs think in terms of elections and votes and the reporters seem to follow suit. Bachmann taught everyone a lesson--that votes can be bought. I wonder if it will work again?
6. Fund raisers, straw polls and popularity contests aren't the same as elections (are they?)

She better be able to ride this a long way because she won't have this opportunity again. At the very least other candidates will use the same tactics and cancel each other out. I also have to wonder about the economic smarts of burning your capital to create funds for replacing your capital. There is some kind of natural law that governs these situations. It's the same as cranking a generator to power a light so that you can see your surroundings. Of course you can't leave the generator or the light goes out. At least while the light was on everyone was able to see Rep Bachmann. I hope they got a good look.